
Friday, May 18, 2012

Proverbs 12:25

Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down,

but a good word makes him glad. (Proverbs 12:25 ESV)

This verse makes me think and reflect on the past weeks lesson. To do your husband only good, not evil, all the days of your life.
What happens with the woman always nagging and complaining to her man? She certainly brings him no goodness in doing such things. Do you know a woman like that? Are you a woman like that? What can you do to fix such things?
I have a story to tell on this one, so here goes. I had a friend who relied on me a lot and we saw each other every day. When I first met her she would complain a little or say something that brought her down, and I would try to lift her spirits or offer up a solution to her problems. It soon became apparent that this was not what she wanted, she just wanted to complain and have a sour outlook on herself. I could handle her in smaller amounts but as time went on she found herself alone with no other friend but myself and so she started spending more and more time with me. I tried, very hard, to be accommodating, but there was only so much I could handle. It was hard hearing how someone's not any good at anything or how horrible things are. A person usually starts believing something after being told so many times. I was starting to be negative as well. My disposition faltered and I found myself saying some of the same negative things about myself that she ha said about herself. Well, this got me really depressed. Suddenly my friend had to go away, back to her family. My spirits almost instantly lifted in spite of not getting to see a dear friend on a constant basis. That's when I realized that as much as we had acted the parts of best friends she wasn't what was best for me. I had to cut her off from myself for my own good... My own sanity. I had become a great big ball of negativity and I didn't want to live like that anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I miss her and still think about her, but I know I can't lift the phone and call her (or accept her calls) because I am weak and will fall into the depressing trap of negativity. And that is not what I want my kids growing up around.
Whenever I start to rush a text to complain to my husband I have to set down my phone and think that that is not something I want to bring into his day, especially while he is at work dealing with his own problems. Negativity is like a poison, and every day I work hard at not letting it seep further into my body and contaminate my family.
Don't get me wrong, I still complain to my husband, but I try not to do it while he is at work or right when he gets home. If it's something that is really bothering me I will take him aside and talk to him. Otherwise I wait till the kids are asleep when we can both share our ups and downs of the day. Always try an have ups with the downs and always be open to listening to him as well.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Doin something right

Well I must be doing something right because the devil is working hard to make me feel depressed about what I've done. He strikes such doubt in me, but with God's help using guardian/guidance angels I know I can overcome these feelings. The devil reminds me of all the things ive done wrong as a parent, and he's been doing it all day it seems for the past few days. Every time I get really back into writing the study I hear "who are you to tell these women what to do?!". I am reminded of my downfalls as a mother: how I've set bad examples, let my temper get the best of me, or felt like I wasn't able to handle it. But I know I'm doing the right thing. I know I'm supposed to delve into the proverbs 31 woman and attempt to strengthen my bond with God and my family through her characteristics. I just know it. Someday someone down the line with be greatly impacted by my work. And again I hear "that's so pretentious". But I know in my gut that this is what I'm supposed to do. I may not be successful doing it but I will gain so much personally from it that it's worth it.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Meeting 3

Well, the emails are out... did I mention it's all in emails now? I'm gonna try and meet up with each woman individually if I can each week, but I know it's gonna be hard. So, I need your prayers for that strength and guidance to not get lazy about it. Anyway, I'm really excited about this weeks projects. We are doing some knot tying. It's a simple enough task with some beautiful results. I just hope that with every cross of twine or fabric, that they are reminded of the cross and that they gain confidence in being competent at something, even if it is just as simple as tying a knot. Confidence is a way we show we trust ourselves, and when we trust ourselves it is easier to trust others, including God. I know, we usually turn to God when we are our least confident, but we have to be confident in the Lord and trust that he will do what is right by His Word. The same goes with your spouse... you have to be confident in them and trust that they will do the right things.

Lazy Dayz

This week the Devil was working on me to have an easy time and do a pass on things. But my husband was right there as my guiding light, telling me just how proud he was of what I was doing in the group. He keeps saying that I'm not going to see it right away, but I'm touching people's lives. And that is very important to me. I know I look back on the past and cring a lot when I think about some of the negative impacts I've made in people's lives, and it excites me to know that I will, with God's help, be making a positive impact in the world. It might not be big, but at least it's out there. The Devil kept me from waking up early, and from falling asleep early. I think he saw my spirits get excited again after my meeting with Liz last week that he just smashed them down with doubt and laziness. I spent my nights in front of the TV rather than with my husband or God. I'm going to try and be better this week, but as my spirits are renewed I know the devil's gonna work even harder. So extra prayers out there would be nice for God to send angels to guard me against the demons the devil has sent and to give me the strength I need to do the things I should.