
Friday, May 4, 2012

Meeting 3

Well, the emails are out... did I mention it's all in emails now? I'm gonna try and meet up with each woman individually if I can each week, but I know it's gonna be hard. So, I need your prayers for that strength and guidance to not get lazy about it. Anyway, I'm really excited about this weeks projects. We are doing some knot tying. It's a simple enough task with some beautiful results. I just hope that with every cross of twine or fabric, that they are reminded of the cross and that they gain confidence in being competent at something, even if it is just as simple as tying a knot. Confidence is a way we show we trust ourselves, and when we trust ourselves it is easier to trust others, including God. I know, we usually turn to God when we are our least confident, but we have to be confident in the Lord and trust that he will do what is right by His Word. The same goes with your spouse... you have to be confident in them and trust that they will do the right things.

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