
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lazyness and Selfishness

I see it now: Lazyness is Selfishness' relative. To be lazy you must be selfish, but to be selfish you don't always have to be lazy... I say this all while avoiding the phone call from my husband telling me he's on his way home because the kids are napping and it's the only time I can eat (ok, so I scarf it down due to the hurry) ice cream for lunch without getting judged... oh, and cause I want to blog my epiphanies. It must be the right time, cause everything is lining up. God knew to give me just enough leeway to be lazy (enough for an honest-to-goodness true example) without letting me get too slothful (not enough time to watch whatever reality tv Hulu stored up for me). I know I should get up and do my ten-minute clean up before Chris gets home, but by golly, I'm gonna sit here and type... and feel guilty as I look around the room. Maybe this is why God thought it was okay for me to get a lazy minute in; so I could see how rediculous it was. Anyway, back to lazyness and selfishness. They are wrong, you and I know it. Yet we indulge in it every day (or would if we could). Why not be productive and feel good about yourself for accomplishing something? Don't get me wrong, everyone should relax and be able to sleep at night and everyone deserves some R&R, it's the abuse of it that is wrong. If you come home and are exhausted, by all means, put your feet up and let the dishes sit. Because if you do something and it's not done with a happy heart it is almost as bad. So when your feet recouperate, get up and hapily do something. You are refreshed, now use that energy for good. "But I don't want to do the dishes," you might say. But what happens if you don't? Honestly, ew. I mean, if you've got to do the dishes, you might as well be happy about it. It's the same with any chore. They have to get done, why crinkle up your face with sneering and ugliness (because, believe it or not, ugliness of emotions causes you to look ugly too... and too much of that gives you the wrong wrinkles when you get older).

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